Friday, August 17, 2007

The Latest in Cocktail Napkin Fashion!

I was shopping in Weatherford yesterday (more pictures to follow later) when I came across these cute little cocktail napkins in a little store. They screamed for me to buy them, but I resisted. I don't know why, though. They seem so...perfect. In case you can't read them, they say m.o.p.s. which stands for Menopause - Our Personal Summer.
Gotta love that.

P.S. Just a little F.Y.I. - my in-laws are in town for a few days. Great to have them, but it really cuts into my blogging schedule. (lol just kidding!) I should be back on schedule no later than Sunday evening. I feel like I have to say this to keep my Aunt Sandi from sending me threatening e-mails! lol


  1. Those are cute. You and Kat are scaring me with all this menopausal talk :o)... I am notorious for being cold so it will be blatantly obvious when I am making that transition - double ugh!
    I'm glad you came by and laughed with me!

  2. too right I send threatening e-mails, if i didn't you'd wallow in your menopause hell...this way you have someting to do.
    Aunt Sandi

  3. Oh, and by the by, thanks for dropping those annoying word verification letters...they made me do bad things to your Uncle Wallace...not so sure he'll be thanking you, though
    Aunt Sandi

  4. Haaa, those napkins are too cute!!! Hmmm, need to have a cocktail party...LOL A M.O.P.S. party. ;)

    Enjoy the weekend with the inlaws.

  5. Love the napkins! You knew I would.

    Enjoy your company.

    My grandkids are coming in the morning. Can't wait. But like will cut into my computer time.


  6. Hi~
    I haven't been here in awhile... sorry! I DO love your napkins... I am just about there! I wake up occasionally very HOT but it doesn't happen during the day (unless I am cleaning a patient's teeth and it gets kind of crazy... I'm sure you can't relate!)

    FYI: on your Wednesday post... I do love Fall, but I hate what comes next in Michigan!!!

    Much love,
    Angie xoxo

  7. All right, I say you go back and buy those napkins, and we break out the tequila!

  8. They are so funny!! You would never find them over here! Have fun with the in-laws, see you soon! xx

  9. Hi Kari,

    Party's over so I'm checking in with you. Love these napkins. I need some. Too funny! Joan

  10. I had to laugh when I saw these napkins because the first thing I thought of when I saw them was "Mothers of Preschoolers" then I noticed the fine print underneath :)

  11. Those are great! Now who will you serve them to?


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