***This is the response I received from my son's school superintendent regarding this issue. I must say, I'm relieved."The ***** (school district name redacted) ISD will not be showing the address on the 8th. Our technology will not allow for the video-streaming. We are going to put the address on the *ISD website so that parents can show their children the address if they would like. Please let us know if you have further questions."
Okay. Enough's enough. Have any of you heard about Obama's proposed "address" to all public school children that is to take place September 8th? Anyone? Probably not. Why? Because it's not been talked about much. The media has suddenly become deaf and dumb when it comes to one of Obama's little speeches. Usually, they're waiting around with bated breath...all aflutter of what the "Great One" will mutter next. Now, when he plans to address school children all across America, from grades K thru 12, the media doesn't seem to find it newsworthy. I checked
CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, CBS, Google News, Yahoo News, The New York Times, USA Today, The Drudge Report and
The Huffington Post. Only 2 of those news sources mentioned this story.
Only 2! Want to guess which two? Yep, that's right...
FOX News and
The Drudge Report. Why
is that? Does the rest of the media really expect us to believe that the President of the United States giving an official address to each and every public school child in grades K thru 12th is
not newsworthy? Pul-leazz! These are the same people who think the style of shorts Michelle Obama wears is actually a headline event!
Of course this speech is newsworthy! It's never happened before! Yes, you read that right. Never in the history of our country has the President of the United States specifically addressed our school children through our public school system.
Never. Ever. Has it happened. Until now. So I ask you again...why isn't every news outlet featuring a story on this? I'd truly love to know the answer to that question.
Now, as to the speech itself, I've got a few questions regarding it, too. Questions such as; What is the point? What does Obama hope to accomplish? Why has Obama scheduled this speech to my children without my express permission? What exactly does this speech entail? Is an advance copy available? Is every school forced to air this speech, whether it wants to or not? Are students going to be given the option of not listening to it? Are parents going to be given the option of denying their child permission to listen to it? My understanding is that this speech is supposed to be a message from Obama to our children regarding "personal responsibility". I don't know about the rest of you, but I am fairly choking on the irony of a politician,
any politician, talking to my kids about "personal responsibility". I think Obama's time would be better spent talking to himself and his fellow politicians on this particular subject. I think they need this speech more than my kid does.
I've written a letter to the superintendent of my son's school district asking these aforementioned questions. I eagerly await her reply. I'm extremely upset over this proposed speech because I simply think it smacks more of "indoctrination" than education. This politician has no business putting forth his ideas and plans to our children. He should put those ideas and plans forth to us, their parents. Unless, of course, the government has decided to take over the role of parenting. Hmmm. Maybe that's the whole point, eh? Go
here to read the letter from the Secretary of Education to all schools in the United States.