Friday, July 13, 2007

The Blah's

I'm feeling a bit maudlin today. Don't know why. I started off happy enough this morning. Maybe it's because the weather has turned kind of "gray". We're supposed to get storms this afternoon. Still...I don't think the weather alone accounts for how I'm feeling. I talked to one of my aunts this morning. I haven't talked to her in awhile so thought I'd call to see how she was and what she's been up to. I asked her if she'd been reading my blog. And she Well how do you like that? I rather arrogantly assumed my relatives would be interested in how we were, all the way out here in Texas. I was wrong. Apparently even my own sister "lost" the website address to my blog and didn't think enough about it to ask for it again. How's that for lack of interest? ha Does anybody else out there wonder if they're just too boring to have a blog? I've suspected I was, but it was kind of fun to do and I thought that, if nothing else, this would be a way for my family to keep up with some of the things going on in our lives. I know my mom reads my blog - she sends me e-mails every now and again about something she's seen. And I know my Aunt Sandi reads my blog because she comments quite a bit, too. But I don't think anybody else in the family feels the need to hear about us. Or maybe I'm not writing about the right things or posting the right pictures or....heck, I don't know. Maybe everybody else in the family has a life away from the computer and figures I should, too. Well, that's probably not a bad idea, come to think of it. My kids are getting older, the youngest is's probably time I started work again. You don't get to be a great conversationalist when you're only talking to yourself, now do you? I know I've got to do something different. Either learn to be exciting (and how in the heck do you do that?) or stop asking relatives if they're reading my blog (that plays into that whole "ignorance is bliss" thing - not a horrible way to live, I suppose!) or maybe I just need to get my hormone levels checked. lol
I think I'll ruminate on this a little bit while I clean house this afternoon. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Maybe it'll all look different tomorrow.


  1. Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog I have linked to you if that is ok!
    I have enjoyed reading your blog so you can't be that boring:-)
    Take care,
    Alison x

  2. You actually WANT your family to read your blog?

    I go to great lengths to ensure that mine never figure out I have a blog!

    Sorry to hear you are a bit down - hope your mood picks up soon.

    A lot of people here seem to be suffering with SAD again as we have had grey skies for just over a month now. That or they are fleeing in droves to the Mediterranean...

  3. Okay sounds to me like you're in "funk city". I've been there and done that. Read about my last time there and what to do by going here


  4. Listen, as Frank Barrone would say, get off your pity pot Nancy, whah, really, I know how you feel but don't take it to so happy that perfect strangers know who you are and find you interesting enough to get to know know what they say baby, you can pick your friends and your nose but you are stuck with what passes for family...even me
    love ya tho
    Aunt Sandi

  5. So glad you left a comment for me. I've had the blah's today too! Someone suggested it was because Friday the 13th...don't know. Anyway, I have found the nicest people in blogland. These people are so giving, it's incredible. Keep it up. You're doing a great job. Your scrapbook pages are wonderful and I have enjoyed your pictures.

  6. My sister is a computer dingo~ so I send her an email with my blog address on it every day or so. She just has to click!

  7. Hi Kari-hope you are feeling cheerier today! I get days like that too! Just hibernate a bit till it passes!

  8. Don't make me call you! If I call you and you do not answer the phone, don't make me come out there. If I come out there and you don't answer the door, don't make me go nuclear cop on your
    Aunt Sandi

  9. FOUL, FOUL!!!! wrong Sissy!!! Donna and I have read your blog, and do it often. not fair to say the rest of the family don't read it. we've had a lot of laughs with it also. ha. very interesting and entertaining.
    All Our Love,
    Wally and Donna

  10. My God girl, aren't you over those blahs yet? I have been in here about 15 times to see if you have come out of the doldrums, still no sign of you...get moving little girl, I need entertainment!!!love ya anyway
    Aunt Sandi

  11. I think you are a fantastic writing and would love to converse with you. I hope the weather is better where you are and you feel better Today. I have to catch up with you, you have writing alot, LOL
    By the way you have to stop by my blog. PLEASE!!! You have inspired me and you deserve to put something in your sidetab.


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