Monday, September 29, 2008

What does 18 Billion Dollars Mean to you?

Yeah, same here. It's more money than I expect to ever see in my lifetime, I can tell you that much (barring that lottery win that may or may not be looming in my future). Believe it not, though - there are people who feel that an amount such as that is, and I quote, "a drop in the bucket". What genius has expressed that completely-out-of-touch-with-the-sensibilities-of-middle-America view, you ask? Senator John Kerry, that's who. And what prompted those pearls of wisdom to drip from his honeyed lips? A statement from Senator Lindsey Graham regarding the exorbitant amount of earmarks asked for from members of congress this past year. While discussing the failings of our government during a recent appearance by both Kerry and Graham on Special Report with Brit Hume, Graham made mention of John McCain's mission to stop the rapacious earmarking practices that have become the norm rather than the exception in congress since the mid '90s. When Senator Kerry categorized that stance as simple "demagoguery" (his word), Graham pointed out that in the last year, 18 billion dollars had been asked for in earmarks by members of congress. To which Kerry responded by saying something along the lines of curtailing earmarks wouldn't fix the problems. In fact, according to Kerry, 18 billion dollars is "just a drop in the bucket". Well dadgom. Wonder if I could get a piece of that bucket? You know, I'm not sure how much that bucket can hold, but if 18 billion is a mere "drop" of its contents, I'm thinking we may need to downsize our bucket. Regardless of the size of the bucket or the drop itself, however, I feel compelled to point out that whatever it is that fills any bucket, it always consists of drops of something. And if you want to control what goes into your bucket, you'd damn well better start paying attention to the drops you allow to go into it.
In that same appearance, Brit Hume asked Graham about his own history of asking for earmarks. I almost dropped a skillet on my foot when I heard his answer. Graham said, "I've been a part of the problem. I want to be part of the solution". Senator Graham went on to say that he had this change of heart because John McCain convinced him that it is the right thing to do for America. Okay. In the first place, I don't know when I've ever heard a politician say he was a part of the problem. They're usually screaming about how the other guy is the problem. Secondly, I don't know how long Graham will remain in this frame of mind - if it's a real change of heart, a change contingent upon the election of John McCain, or even if he'll hold up to any pressures from home regarding this stance in the future. What I do know is this: that view, that statement, that vision gave me a ray of hope for our future. What if all of Washington could admit to their failures and stop with the finger pointing and the blame game? What if all our elected officials decided to work for us and our country, instead of for each other and their political party? What if???

P.S. I know I'm probably being entirely too political these days and if that makes any of you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. Remember, I'm always open to hearing views "from the other side". I'm sure it's obvious that I'm a Republican and a John McCain supporter. Like Senator McCain, I too have issues at times with the Republican party. I affiliate with them because of our common views. I question them because I don't believe all their positions are the right way to go. Hearing other views is interesting and sometimes even illuminating.

Oh, and are you asking why I've gone into politics so thoroughly lately? IT'S BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A FLIPPIN' CAR RIGHT NOW SO I'M STUCK AT HOME WATCHING ALL THE POLITICAL NEWS AND READING POLITICAL VIEWS ONLINE. We got one wrecked car out of the shop Friday and put the other one in Monday morning. As I've mentioned before, since our cars were damaged by people who had no insurance and we didn't have Uninsured Motorist coverage, that means NO RENTAL CAR while ours are being repaired. So...the gist of this is, if you don't want me writing political stuff, take up a collection and GET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE during the day!!!! (she said, laughing maniacally with the tv remote control clutched tightly in her fist)


  1. Even if they admit that they're the problem, it won't change anything. Lying and stealing isn't really considered illegal if you're in politics ya know. They'll just go on doing what they've been doing and laugh all the way to the bank (and it will probably be the banks that are sitting around with their hands out about now, hoping some stray funds will float their way, which they surely will, one way or another).

  2. After 4 months of people in my house all day every every day, I would enjoy being stuck here by myself...don't know about watching political news though. So glad you are doing that for me... :)

  3. You want a job? You could run for congress!

    I didn't hear that interview, but it certainly sounds interesting. Hmmmm, John Kerry has always been way out of touch...way out.

  4. I have been swimming around in concern over the economy. I heard something said that the US economy isn't in crisis, the financial markets are in crisis. When someone can clearly tell me the link between the financial market crisis and my day-to-day life, then I will make a point to decide to worry about it. No one has managed to convey this information effectively. The politically-polarized sure know how to scream, "Run for the hills!" But I don't work like that.
    I don't presume to know what John Kerry had in his mind when he spoke. I know John McCain's stance on earmarks has had me overlooking his ties to the Republican administration of the last 8 years. So just now, from your posting, i looked at national debt figures. This morning the national debt is at $9.9 Trillion. I was actually surprised at how little it was. I thought it was about 4 times higher. Soon enough, eh? But $18 billion is 1/10 of 1 percent of the national debt. If you got rid of all the earmarks, you wouldn't even notice the dent. I think that may be what Kerry was talking about.
    However, that doesn't mean that the budget ($2.8 Trillion) couldn't use some major trimming. I am more surprised that only $18 billion is put to earmarks. I'm sure the government has a tremendous amount of wasteful spending that somehow isn't deemed as earmarks.

  5. It has been said that it is always easier to spend someone else's money. So true! Every bit counts. Waste and abuse should never, ever be tolerated. I wish more people would get mad about it!

    So someone irresponsible has essentially put you under "house arrest", huh? Sign of the times that irresponsible people are affecting those of us who are responsible. Keep watching and learning, even after you get the wheels back. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Pick up a book! I think I'd go crazy if I had to listen/read everything that is going on right now in politics. It interests me, but at this point, it more often than not infuriates me!

  7. keep up the good work girl. I enjoy reading your blog and as for the comment...well we all need to be a bit more responsible about every single one of our that we never lose the rights we have!

    I know it is a long read on my blog - but you will not believe what happened to me yesterday!

  8. Ronnica directed me over here. Glad I came.
    It is just my little bit of rebellion, but I refuse to buy Heinz ketchup. I know they do not miss me, but I feel a little better for not directly contributing to Kerreys wealth.
    By the way none of the other ketchups taste quite as good.

  9. I don't know, just look at how most children are brought up today...the people who believe that a drop in the bucket are the ones raising these illiterate, rude, no saying thankyouorexcusemegivemethatit'smine adults of can only get worse...unless some moms and dads take off the belt and apply to hind end...teach your children the basic set of manners and the difference between right and them a pet instead of a gun...and I hear some teachers out there saying "you read children you raise animals"...uh huh, I think I got it right the first time...I'm a McCain Granny and proud of being one.
    Aunt Sandi

  10. REAR CHILDREN...sigh, I fell off my high horse a second...wait, I'll get a ladder!

  11. Uncle Wallace told me I should tell you my experience with Senator Graham...I was having problems with our mail order pharmacy (they sent me my insulin but no syringes to take it with!) I called and called and knowing I had a copy of the prescription in my files, looked it up when they told me that syringes were not included...yep, there they were, right on the same prescription. So I sat down and wrote to both my South Carolina Senators, including the copy of the script...the democrat sent me a letter three weeks later to tell me how gladly he'd help me but he had to have all this information like SSN, how long retired, etc etc. THREE WEEKS! In the mean time I'd had my syringes sent overnight mail and a long conversation with the General's Assistant and the General THE DAY SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM RECEIVED THE LETTER FROM ME. So, do I great respect for my Republican Senator? Oh yes...I never mentioned my party affiliation in either letter...they were identical including the cc to each other...I never heard from the democrat again, but I still hear from Senator Lindsey Graham. Yes, I am a proud Republican...hugs and love
    Aunt Sandi
    posted this morning, thanks for the nudge!

  12. I am so sorry to hear you are house bound! It's a real bummer when you WANT to get out of the house, and have no way to do it.

    I usually don't have a car during the day anymore. (Hubby takes the truck to work, and my son has been taking the car to work.) BUT, I am a hardcore HOMEBODY! I prefer to stay at home. LOL So, it doesn't bother me as much.

    Hope you get your car back soon.

  13. Ok...I just can't stop reading. The whole remote clutching thing...I can totally relate! Crackin' me up!! Seriously, I am laughing out loud here at work...


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