Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off the Edge I Go...


  1. Well...there you have it...however, on any given day...I could probably add a few other names...if you know what I mean!! AND if I couldn't I'm sure some of the poor folks around me could come up with a few.

    REALLY, you would think that after we all went through with years and years of periods, puffiness, pain and PMS...then endured the hours among hours of LABOR PAINS...not to mention if you breast fed, the first few weeks of that! Why oh why must we suffer later in our lives with this monkey on our back!! And men...what do they suffer through????...oh yea...the pain of living with us...well, thats just too bad! lol

    I'm going to get me some MENTALpause cream today...gonna see how that works for me!

    Thanks for sharing the 7 dwarfs and menopause today...


  2. Wait a sec, still laughing...okay...wait a sec, waiting for someone to help me off the floor...but you forgot the most important dwarf of all...Bitchy!!!!

  3. Hey! How come these dwarves are male? Are they masculine symptoms which are inflicting us? Do men have MENopause ALL THE TIME? That could explain a lot - like why they buy stupid birthday presents or why they forget to even buy them. Or even why they make insentive comments. I could go on and on. I'm starting to understand this whole thing now. We are becoming more masculine as we enter the last stages of our lives. I mean, think about - how many of these symptoms does your hubby display in any given normal day?

  4. Haha!!! I love Karolee's comment!!! So true!!!

  5. LOL I laughed out loud when I saw this :-)
    Take care,
    Alison x

  6. Just this mornin' I started a new the title and everything...I'm just wondering whether to launch it or not...keep my main blog all nice and sweet and just let er rip over at that one...

    Maybe it's been the full moon but these dwarfs are all around me.....

    Anyway...hope you are having a good day...

  7. I totally agree with Karolee, it is not called the MENopause for nothing.

    I hope you won't mind if I use this picture, I LIKE it!!!!! I will say where I found it.

  8. Dang but I needed this laugh. You always know how to make me giggle out loud and scare the cats now don't you??
    Being a woman surely does come with it's very unique types of fun. Oh how I loved cramps and bloating and worrying about what I wore on certain days of the month. Then there were years of infertility drugs and weight gain from that and more bloating and cramping and now, at this stage, I am splendidly rewarded with a mind that can not remember anything, an achy body, headaches, general bitchiness, hot flashes that go on for days, lack of sleep, itchy skin...PMS is lookin' pretty good right about now. Wait! Did I just say that?
    Sheesh...and what do men go through?? Dang. now I am depressed...and itchy and bloated and bitchy. Psycho? Oh yeah...hide the cutlery Ma! Susie Q is on the loose again.

    Thanks for the laugh dear heart.


  9. i resemble that remark!
    i noticed not a single one of those dwarfs have on a red hat with a purple boa.

  10. I'm all of those and a few more.....ugh!

    I soooooo agree with Teresa and Karolee!


  11. Haha!! Kari, if you saw me at the moment you'd be horrified! I am 3 of those dwarves right now-Sweaty, Sleepy and Bloated! I'm so full of germs that Tom even said tactfully that 'I'm not looking my best right now'! Normally he lies, and says I always look nice to him!!
    So I'm with you in spirit at the moment, just 4 more dwarves to go...
    Hope you are o.k.-enjoy your day and it's so good to catch up on your blog! xxx

  12. You are much funnier than anyone on TV. We need to get you your own show!

  13. Too cute. I have a few of those with pregnancy also, I would have to take itchy and twitchy, and replace them with sicky and lazy with them. Oh but I forget itchy comes later. Dang.

  14. Oh you are so funny.

    I know. I know. It's not funny. But you sure can show the funny side of it.

    And lo and behold, someday it will be all in the past. Honest.


  15. I am laughing out loud! Thanks for this, the women in my family will get a kick out of it! So, how are you? It's been a few days since I heard from you. Hope all is well with you and yours.



  16. Okay Kari, I am still on this ship and will be home tomorrow. I am so ready to come home but I couldn't stand not reading some of the blogs anymore so I'm on this internet at sea. Don't tell my hubby!!LOL! I took a picture for you yesterday in San Francisco of something called Menopause, the musical. Have you ever heard of it? I'll send you the picture on monday. Sorry so long, will catch up with you all next week.

  17. I am saving this for the future!
    It's hilarious!


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