Monday, November 17, 2008

I hesitate to even own up to this because, well...'ll understand why once you hear it, but I'm so disgusted with myself for my own stupidity that I feel the need to fess up to my embarrassing moment in the hopes that it will make me think twice before doing something this stupid again. And it's better that I tell the world before Randey does. (He can't wait to run his mouth about it and I can't say as how I blame him.) What'd I do that was so dumb? Well I'll tell 'ya. I stuck my cell phone in my back pocket and then forgot about it. I forgot that I'd put it there because really, who puts their phone in their back pocket???? What 45 year old woman does something like that? Forty-five year old women have purses to hold their cell phones because they know better than to stick stuff in their back pockets. Geez! Not me, though. No sirree. I felt the need to put my phone in my back pocket because I was in too big of a hurry to walk the 20 feet into my bedroom and put the phone in my purse, where it belongs. And then, some time later when I was preparing to leave home, I ran into the bathroom to use the facilities. I was rushing like mad because I was already running 1/2 hour late (nothing went right this morning, don'tcha know!) so I dashed into the bathroom, quickly undid my britches and just as my butt was about to hit the seat, I heard phone hitting the bottom of the toilet. Yeah. Phones tend to slip right out of back pockets when those back pockets are flipped upside down. And, in case you didn't know, phones don't work so well once they've explored the bottom of a toilet either. And while the phone landed in the toilet prior to my actual use of said toilet, it did not lessen the "eeeeewwwww" factor when I had to fish the damn phone out. Although, in retrospect, perhaps I should have just flushed it and saved my hand that brutal scrubbing I was forced to give it because the phone was ruined already. There was no saving it. But...regardless....the deed is done. My phone is ruined, my hand will be forever tainted with the icky-ness of toilet bowl fishing and I'm so mad at myself I could just spit. It was not the best way to start my day. I've ordered a replacement, despite knowing I probably shouldn't even be allowed to own a phone after this little incident. I got me one of these:

I think it's called a VU phone or something like that. The important thing is, it's too big to fit in my back pocket. Who knew that would be the most important feature I'd look for in a cell phone?

I swear, some days, I wonder why I even got out of bed.

Ickily yours,
, the toilet bowl fishing old lady from Texas


  1. Kari, I just did a post on my cell phone.. HOW FUNNY IS THAT??? I looked seriously at the LG VU too, but for me, I needed a palm pilot and a phone and was tired of having both in my purse. I am also tired of not being able to find my phone when its ringing... so hopefully its big enough to find. I have never stuck my phone in my back pocket, though... why you ask? Because there isn't enough room for a phone because of my extra large carcass.

  2. Kari, you are neither the first nor the last person this has happened to! In fact, it happened to my daughter on the ferry from Galway to the Aran Islands. And there was no way she was going to try to get it out of there. I like the look of your new phone!

  3. I like the new phone! At least you can be thankful you didn't have to fish the old one out of a public toilet (ewwww).

  4. Well you are not alone...I had my brand new Motorazor just 3 days when I did the same thing....and you are right, once they hit the water they are ruined. Thank goodness I had purchased the insurance on mine and only had to pay $50.00 for another phone..not longer do I carry it in my pocket either....and mine was in the front pocket!

  5. I haven't had the fun yet of fishing a cell phone from the toilet, but Shelby has done it a couple of times.

    The new phone is neat! Dom and I bought Old-folks phones with big buttons. None of that fancy stuff for us (for him really). He still can't get the idea of how to hang up a call without turning off the phone. Do you know how frustrating it is when someone tells you to call them right back, only to find out they have turned off the phone??

  6. LOL - sorry but I have to laugh. I haven't had to fish mine out of the toilet (yet) but I can very well imagine myself doing something exactly like that.
    Hope you will do a review of your new phone when you get it.

  7. Too funny Kari! Sounds like something I would do. LOL I love your new phone. I am gadget geek so this looks like it'll be a cool phone. I got a Blackberry a few months ago and now realize why they call it a crackberry, I constantly check the stupid thing. LOL Have a great one! I think I might try making my Christmas cards today, I hope they turn out well!

  8. Daughter Michelle had to fish her phone out, just last week. Four year old Gabi was talking to someone when almost 3 year old Drew grabbed it from her hand, ran through the house, laughing gleefully with purpose, and tossed it in the terlet!

  9. Kari hey I am so proud of you for your healthy weight loss i am ready I need to do WW again I think I will go this next week so I can get through the holidays healthfully --yeah for new phones!!!

  10. Izzy's teacher told me an almost identical story just the other day!!! Sorry that happened... but your new phone is pretty and there's always bleach.

  11. Eeeewwwwww!!!!!!!! I have major cootie issues and would never, ever be able to fish anything out of a toilet! I'd call hubby and have him do it, LOL.

    Good looking new phone! And you got to look on the bright side. You've lost enough weight that you can actually get something IN your back pocket. Me, I could barely slip a coin back there without getting a crushing injury to my fingers! LOL!

  12. oh no my girlfriend did this quickly dried out etc - no good.

    In my case mine is so small I can never find it sandy

  13. Oh Hon, we all do similar nutty stuff!!! ,-)

    Now some good news!!!

    Just when we thought there were no same voices in Congress...
    Please find that there is a Sane Voice in Congress! And we need to back him up.

    The Phoenix

  14. Oh Golly G....I would never ever do anything like THAT! (I'm winking) It does make you mad though, doesn't it?

    One time I clipped my onto the back of my beach chair that I later dragged down to the water's edge. Yep, you guessed right...I forgot it was there and when I stood up the chair fell over. Down in the surf and sand went my phone!!!!



    (we're still on our Marco Island trip, but I had a few minutes down time this afternoon and thought I'd visit)

  15. My granddaughter did a very similar thing. She was at a concert and her phone was in her hoodie pocket. She went to the bathroom at the arena and some how her phone fell out of her pocket when she stood up. This place had one of those toilets that when you stand up it automatically flushes. Goodbye phone.

  16. Now wait a minute! Someone out here knows how to rescue a cell phone from having been dropped in a toilet. I've seen the remedy it silica? Salt? Vinegar? Gheesh, no, it can't be anything liquid.

    Be kind to your new phone now! Pat Randey on the hand tenderly and say "there, there" repeatedly. It does wonders for times when men are exasperated.

  17. My hubby is quite proud of the fac that he has saved a phone after the wash, rinse, and spin cycle. He will go into GREAT detail if you ask.
    I'd be happy with the new phone instead!!

  18. Which is why I keep a box of rubber gloves in the bathroom. Be mindful of this. It will happen again. Maybe not a phone maybe not you...but you have two granddaughters now, and I am telling prepared.
    Aunt Sandi

  19. Hey Toilet Bowl Fisherwoman, just yesterday I ran in a panic to the washing machine because I didn't remember taking my phone out of my back pocket! So yes, people over 40 DO wear phones in their pockets (because we're all too lazy to walk the extra steps to the purse, but that's besides the point).

  20. exactly what I did.....except that I didn't know it dropped in there and I flushed the toilet and went on to work. Couldn't find my phone......hmmmm....what's that black thing in the toliet? phone!! I'll never slip it in my back pocket again...and I'm 52 years old!!

  21. Sounds like something that would happen to me. At least you got a cool new phone out of the deal. LOL

  22. Hey! Where are you?????????? I miss ya!

    Stop by when you get a chance...I've got some awards for you sweet friend.



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