Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fabulous Isn't a Big Enough Word to Describe YOU, My Blogging Friends.

Not too long ago, during the "semi-hiatus" I took during my sister's visit, I was given a wonderful award by two very kind and dear people (Karolee and Annie). While I'm pretty sure I'm not what you could call "Fabulous" on an everyday basis (lol), I have discovered that several of YOU are! I recently asked all who read my blog to please go to this site and leave good thoughts for my cousin, Joey, who has been severely injured and is currently in the intensive care unit of USA Medical Center in Mobile, Alabama. Many of you responded to this request and I can't tell you how much this means, especially to Joey's wife, Karen, and their children. I believe that Karen is going to pull Joey through this with sheer determination! She refuses to think any negative thoughts whatsoever and is inspiring everyone around her to be positive regarding Joey's recovery. I don't think I've ever witnessed anything quite like it before and it has left me in awe of her. For those of you who left messages (Heather, Sophie, Mary, Tammy, Sharon, Julie, Stacy, Brenda, Susie Q, Annie and Terri, to name a few!) thank you so much. You are FABULOUS. To those of you who have sent e-mails to Karen and who have sent prayers to God (Kat, Pam and Karolee!), you are also FABULOUS. For anyone else whose kindness I have neglected to mention, please know that you are FABULOUS, too, and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. I know that normally, these awards that go around Blogland are basically a fun way to say thanks and hello to our fellow bloggers, but this award just happened to come around at a time when telling you that you are FABULOUS actually means more than "hey - I like reading your blog". It means "Thank you for joining together and helping my cousin and his family get through one of the hardest things they'll ever have to endure". All of you deserve this award and, while I just don't have enough energy to add the links to your blogs, I think most of you know each other at this point anyway. You are a wonderful bunch of friends and I treasure you.

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  1. 'tears'
    oh have such a way with words and all we were doing was what was right.

    I'm sending a big ol' cyber (((hug)))your way!

    Still praying for Joey and Karen and the entire medical team at USA Medical Center! I'm with Karen, I believe in miracles!!

  2. I have really been blessed through your blog - you bring laughter just when I need it most some days. :-)

    I tried to leave a note for Joey, but I'm having major annoying cookie problems on my computer which cannot be resolved because I am an idiot and deleted the program which can solve them (it's very, very annoying). Could you please leave a little note telling them I am praying and sign my name? Thanks!

  3. Congratulations on your are indeed fabulous darlin'!

    I'm still praying for Joey and his family. Just like Karolee, I couldn't get to the site....something about cookies, etc. So frustrating. The only cookie I want is a warm chocolate chip one... or maybe seven :-)


  4. Congrats on your award! I also had trouble with cookies, whatever cookies are. Hope you're hanging in there. Praying for your cousin.

  5. Kari,
    First of all congratulations on your award. I know that I'm so excited to have found you and your blog and I think that God sent me here for a reason.

    I couldn't access the page either, but I have faith that he will get better. Keep us posted and know that you're in my prayers.


  6. I loved the update I read about Joey this morning. I'm glad they are sending those out. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Will we see you next weekend?

  7. I think you are pretty FAB so I am glad you got this award! I will keep posting well wishes to your cousin. Keep us posted, ok?

  8. Kari
    Girlfriend you, too, are fabulous, and quite the inspiration.

    Joey & family will remain in my heart--they are more than just letters on a page--they are people who need comfort, and from me, THEY GOT IT!!! I believe that's how God shows himself to people here on earth--through the support of others.

  9. I saw your post yesterday and had Joey in my prayers, I just haven't had much computer time to comment, but just wanted you to know he's been in my prayers!

  10. Kari,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story on my blog. I am so sorry that you have lost so many people to cancer. It's such a horrible disease.

    I will be in prayer for your cousin, Joey, as well.

    Blessings to you,


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