Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Notice Re: Finding a Weigh Out of Fat Post

This week's Finding a Weigh Out of Fat post will be delayed until Friday. I'm sorry for the delay, but then again - it will give you an extra couple of days to send your "best healthy snack" tips for that post. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing for those times when they get the munchies - so come on, people! Share, share, share! I'll put any and all tips I get into one post for Friday. I'll also have more meal recipes by then, too.

Sorry for the delay on this week's post, but I'll try to make it up to you with the recipes and the tips!

Monday, August 25, 2008

And they're off!

Today was the boys' first day of school! At long last. I've been waiting on this day for what seems like WEEKS! So why am I so bummed about it now? lol This is their idea of together time with Mom before the first day of school...lounged out on the couch, basically counting the minutes until they could leave (ha!). And here's where I made them "pose" for me before they left (although Jake's thumbs up thingy was his own idea. I think he was mocking me....). Now I ask you, does Kaleb look excited to be going to the very first day of his senior year of high school?? Not so much, does he?
I miss 'em already. It's gonna be a long year.

My blogging is still a bit sporadic. We have out of town company this week. My very best friend in the whole wide world (Susan) and her husband are here for a week (her husband, who is also in the Air Force reserves along with Randey, is here for work). Naturally, I feel morally obligated to take Susan around to every shoe store within a 50 mile radius, as well as any and all book stores we can manage to locate. I know, I know, it's a pain in the butt to look at all those shoes and find all those books, but somebody's got to do it and I'm willing to make the sacrifice because, well, she's my best bud and I know she'd do it for me (and has, actually!). Wish me luck and good shoe hunting, eh?